At the moment the form for uploading pictures is disabled.
Follow the email-instructions further down, after reading the short rules.
Rules !
There are a few rules and some information you need to accept or be aware of:
- You need to own the rights to the picture you upload.
- By uploading a picture you allow Hattrick Planet to display the picture, refuse it, resize it, create thumbnails from it, and alter it in other ways necessary to comply with the site structure.
- When uploading a picture you have to specify your Hattrick user name, a caption for the image, and optionally a date when the picture was taken (if not the date of upload will be used).
- If you at some point wish to have your picture removed from Hattrick Planet, send a Hattrick Message to EchoMan, owner of Boddingtons FC.
Submit a photo by email !
here for a mailto link that could save you some time.
In order to submit a photo, send it as an attachment to
photo @ (remove the spaces).
In the email, specify the following if possible : (copy and paste these lines works)
- Your HT-name :
- Your HT-Team and/or Team-ID :
- Where the photo was taken :
- Who is on the photo :
- The date the photo was taken :
- Any other information that you think should be added with the photo :
- ... and don't forget to attach the picture to the email. :)
Please note that hattrickplanet reserves the right to refuse, resize, crop and in other ways enhance
the submitted images to better fit the purpose, layout and design of the site.